
There are days in life where you feel like you are this small and the world out there is like a massive washing machine waiting to sweep you away.

View large to see the impact on the little 'ol tree standing courageously on the hill in path of some very menacing cloud formations.
Located in some nondescript paddock south of Lake Burrendong. Taken with a now broken 85mm lens at f8 with about 4 or 5 shots stitched together, processed in a way to aacentuate the clouds and desaturated to let the texture and composition speak louder than the colours, which incidentally were actually quite spectacular as well.

I appreciate the comments that people leave and I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed!

19 thoughts on “Skyfall

  1. This is very well done. A very well selected composition and your use of vignetting does wonders here. This side-steps so many of the basic rules of composition perfectly, and that is how it tells the story. Composition and vignetting brings the eye straight to center, and there is no clear leading line to draw you away, so your eye wanders about slowly, taking in the landscape and power of the scene, always returning to center… each time making clearer a piece of the story being told. The wide panorama is perfect for accentuating the space, and highlighting the solitude… something that couldn't be achieved with a single frame. Love the work +Gerard Blacklock !

  2. Gerard Blacklock you always manage to put a smile on my face with all of your posts ;-)…
    You have put a smile on my face once again…
    I really love this pic, simple but sweet thanx…
    I bet if that tree could talk it would have a few stories to tell… Lol…
    Thankyou ;-)…

  3. Those clouds are just amazing, and with this tiny lost tree in the center, great image, also with the processing.
    I'm not sure if the frame is needed here? Just what I'm thinking of…

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