Tickles finally got tired of having mum get snot out with the snot sucker and decided..”screw you guys i am gonna do it myself”.
fyi, the best snot sucker out there is the little fess (http://fesslittlenoses.com.au/index.php/how-to-use/) and yes.. for that promo plug they should send me something 😉
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Nikkor 85 f1.4 @85mm Aperture: f/2.8 and Shutter Speed: 1/00s
ISO 100
out front – tickles with a finger in her nose
Haha so sweet ♥ Tickles in exploration….. good alternative method:)))))))))))))))) GREAT SHOT!
Ha..ha…nice one Gerard…..
Lol aww
Beautiful photo :-))
Love it!!
Adorable… marvelous capture 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock!!! Hehehe hoo boy! Are you in trouble with Mrs Gerard or what? Does she know about this pic lol?? Only you could make this pic look so cute lol!! Thanks for making my morning hehe 😀
+Kitten KaboodleInc
: D
next I am aiming to get one where she has one finger in her nose and the other in her ear 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock lmao! Oh stop lol! :p
+Kitten KaboodleInc
she has done it.. i just have not had the camera with me at the time .. i could set it up but i feel that is cheating lol..
+Gerard Blacklock hehehe! Oh kids! :p well its a wonderful photo to show at her 21st birthday party lol 😀 ps. Yes that would be cheating 😉
What kid doesn't do this? With some kids, it is the only time they eat anything green! She's adorable in that hat, Gerard.
+Kitten KaboodleInc
stocking up on those photos 🙂
thanks +Scott Soucy .. yeah shes eaten just about everything now 🙁
have a good week mate.
+Gerard Blacklock lol 😉
when she gets to 21 and finds these images your gonna be in trouble 😉
+O. Sydney these are my bargaining chips 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock chips ! bad choice of words? 😉
Very CUTE ♡