Snot sucker alternative method

Snot Sucker Alternative - (c) Gerard Blacklock

Snot Sucker Alternative – (c) Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with Nikkor 85 f1.4 @85mm Aperture: f/2.8 and Shutter Speed: 1/00s
ISO 100
out front – tickles with a finger in her nose

Tickles finally got tired of having mum get snot out with the snot sucker and decided..”screw you guys i am gonna do it myself”.

fyi, the best snot sucker out there is the little fess ( and yes.. for that promo plug they should send me something 😉

Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Nikkor 85 f1.4 @85mm Aperture: f/2.8 and Shutter Speed: 1/00s
ISO 100
out front – tickles with a finger in her nose

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