
There is no where else in the world where you will see Eucalyptus trees (gum trees) covered in snow other that in a few select areas of Australia. These areas have diminished and the number of trees been significantly reduced over the years, particularly by bush fires which have occurred in multiple years decimating them (circa 2003). Note these species of trees, unlike some other gums, do not need fire to activate the reseeding process.

There is some good news tho, they do appear to be recovering and hopefully the coming generations will see these (Eucalyptus Pauciflora) growing back to magnificent sizes like this grand snow gum on the southern reaches of Rams Head.

I love this tree, its just on the lower side of the treeline at about 1900metres and has such gnarly curves and colours. This was a bit after the sun had come over the hill and after a night of nice snow fall.

#Kosi #kosciuszkonationalpark

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