Some Rock in the Ocean

with his little friend way out there

There is nothing quite like a lonely rock in the water and the sun trying to smash its way though.

It's always interesting to see the phases ones photography goes thru and how sometimes one gets stuck 😉 what I like about this image is that it manages to isolate the rock without a super long exposure and maintain that dreamy feel to the frame, the sun peaking though just topped it off. The shot is a bracketed shot since the foreground was quite dark, particularly the closest side of the rock, given the flat horizon it was a very easy blend to increase the dynamic range.

Exif love:
2 images blended together
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 35mm Aperture: f16 and Shutter Speed: 1/1.6s sky and 8s for teh shadows
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE Graduated filter 0.9x

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