Somersby Panorama – (c) Gerard Blacklock
12 vertical frames
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 @ 36mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 4s
exposure comp -0.3EV
ISO 100
Wow, i just updated to the latest version of Adobe Lightroom, yeah i know I am a bit behind the times 🙂 I gotta say tho, someone really turned the wick up on the slider options, previously you could smash the slider to 100 and it would not have a huge effect, now its like they have dialed it up another 100 percent 😉
Anyway enough of that boring stuff and onto the image 🙂 I have had this one sitting around for a few weeks and finally got around to stitching it, I quite like the composition and I am really liking the challenge of approaching scenes with the idea to include some big foreground objects, like the big rock on the right. In this case the rock on the right is actually the one I am sitting on to capture the panorama, its pretty close to a 180 degrees field of view and normally without using a pano head and rail it would be quite difficult get a undistorted easy stitch, this is where I find the pano equipment is really useful.
This particular part of Somersby falls is very popular and it is easy to get to, i always find it a nice rewarding spot with plenty of options for new and different perspectives, if your passing by on the M1 motorway, be sure to swing off the fast lane and have a look.
#‎somersbyfalls‬ ‪#‎somersby‬
Exif love:
12 vertical frames
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 @ 36mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 4s
exposure comp -0.3EV
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL
+Gerard Blacklock yet another stunner from you mate! They are one set of falls I have to visit! 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock wow is right, this is a gorgeous image Gerard.
Wow this is Incredible
Thanks +Tom Testone , yeah be sure to stop there, its such a easy and great location..
Too kind +Chris Sutton
Thanks +promise sylva
Great image +Gerard Blacklock amazing shot
What time did you take the pic, every time there are people getting into the shot.
Is it best to get there early or late?
Hi +Darrell Gibson , this was taken in the late afternoon, from memory it was around 5pm-ish it was also on a Monday – it is a very popular spot on the weekends, i would suggest the best time is very early morning (weekdays), i think better directional light (see https://plus.google.com/+GerardBlacklock/posts/H1LvkfDKCgE)
also a cloudy day is best from a photography point of view.
When I was there for this shot, there was about half a dozen people spread over all the falls, at this particular set of falls only two people..
+Gerard Blacklock​ you're welcome mate! Next time I'm heading that way. ☺
+Gerard Blacklock This is AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Loretta Jayne
Thanks 🙂
Такая великолепная природа и великолепное фото!!