2 thoughts on “Sometimes falls do not have to be huge or even large to be nice, this was just more than a trickle ;)”
+Gerard Blacklock, I'm with you on that. I've had so many people ask me what qualifies something as a waterfall. I add new drops to my documented list if they contain visual interest. Presentation is EVERYTHING in a waterfall. Nice shot, BTW! I just with that little twig on the bottom/right corner had floated away…
darn it, now i can't stop looking at the little twig 😉 it really draws the eye in, good spotting.
+Gerard Blacklock, I'm with you on that. I've had so many people ask me what qualifies something as a waterfall. I add new drops to my documented list if they contain visual interest. Presentation is EVERYTHING in a waterfall. Nice shot, BTW! I just with that little twig on the bottom/right corner had floated away…
darn it, now i can't stop looking at the little twig 😉 it really draws the eye in, good spotting.