I have arrived

I Have Arrived - (c) Gerard Blacklock

I Have Arrived – (c) Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm
Each trail image is 40.2s
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO 800
out front – sculptures by the sea art with a bit of EL wire and coloured torch

112 34 images, loaded into PS via statistics (maximum), cleaned up the plane trails and few annoying clouds then blended via the lighten mode.

Foreground shot is a separate image, from the same spot with some light painting.

Cheers to Rodney for reminding about this session – i only processed one picture from it last year πŸ™‚

Exif / shot love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm
Each trail image is 40.2s
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO 800
out front – sculptures by the sea art with a bit of EL wire and coloured torch

The Rise of King Coal

King Coal - (c) Gerard Blacklock

King Coal – (c) Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/5.6 and Shutter Speed: 355.8 seconds
ISO 100
out front – sculptures by the sea art with a bit of EL wire and coloured torch

Sculptures by the Sea at Bondi/Tamarama 2015

King Coal, coal, resin, fibreglass and steel, 172 x 101 x 119 cm
An arrogant, larger than life figure representing Australia’s reliance on coal
β€œI wanted to anthropomorphise coal. The figure needed to exude arrogance, an unwillingness to change and seem unaware of his impending doom.”

I reckon the evening clouds streaking across the sky compliment this sculpture and the artists vision, one of many unprocessed images from last year πŸ™‚

Exif / shot love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/5.6 and Shutter Speed: 355.8 seconds
ISO 100
out front – sculptures by the sea art with a bit of EL wire and coloured torch

Fancy a seat anyone? electrified at that

enjoy the view while your there

Another installment in the Sculptures by the Sea exhibition. The tree was very cool, the delicate construction of the sculpture has me amazed πŸ™‚

Pretty simple lightpainting on this one, some blue EL wire on the chair and a coloured torch applied at selective spots, finally a white torch applied from the right hand side to give the sculpture some depth.

Exif / shot love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/6.3 and Shutter Speed: lazy 157.3 seconds
ISO 100
out front – sculptures by the sea art

Electrified Portal

or maybe the electric chair from hell…

Interesting bit of art, cool angles and curves, but boy, does it comes alive with a little EL wire love after dark πŸ™‚

Exif / shot love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/5.6 and Shutter Speed: 185.9 seconds
ISO 100
out front – sculptures by the sea art

The rise of the Citadel

This premium little spot up on the headland between Bondi and Tamarama lends itself to pretty well anything you put in it, from the geodesic dome, to the big head blowing bubble gum to the wind chimes, they have all looked pretty sweet at this spot. I reckon tho, the dome was by far the best so far πŸ™‚

This art installation is part of the sculptures by the sea 2015, its got mirrors on the other side which would look pretty cool at sunrise, but other than that I go not idea what it is or what its meant to do or represent πŸ™‚ but it does look pretty cool with a little extra lightpainting and torch work.

I timed this 450.6 second exposure with the moon just rising, i am pretty keen to do a set of star trails on this spot as well, even with this relatively short exposure (from a star trail point of view) the stars stand out pretty nicely.

Exif / shot love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/5.6 and Shutter Speed: 450.6 seconds
ISO 100
out front – sculptures by the sea art