Textured form of love

big sky

Strangely enough one of my most complex images (bracketed panorama) but I am far from happy with the end result, I looked at this set of images (to become a panorama) on the back of the camera LCD and thought, yeah thats pretty sweet, but the processing and trying to get the final image to match my vision on the day proved impossible.

The scene actually has some brillant golden colours in the sky but I could not get it to work with the dark monotone of the foreground, finally I gave up and opted for a BW image, it retains and accentuates the main elements (texture and human forms) and that seemed like a pretty good starting point – I think it can hold its own without needing brilliant colour.

I welcome any suggestions, comments and thoughts about this image, ya gotta view large too btw.

Techie data:
4 shot panorama (each frame bracketed)
D7000 with Nikkor 85mm f1.4 @ 85mm – Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/125 seconds ISO 100
out front – a rauchy couple, some coffee and a camera.

11 thoughts on “Textured form of love

  1. +Chris Sutton I guess it just does not fit with what I originally saw in my head. It feels over processed with inconsistent light and lacks initial impact, it does have , what I refer to as 'gets better with age factor' whereby once you open it up and view big it does reveal some positives.
    What I will do is revisit the processing, i have a few other ideas for it, it will not sort the composition side of things, however it may well get cropped buit it hopefully will address the inconsistent lighting.

  2. +Gerard Blacklock I think the problem is the sky. Although it was most likely very nice to see, it doens't come across here at all. The big black cloud kills the rhs of the photo. Beyond that I can't really offer much, maybe a different crop…

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