The enchanted Forest – Pitlochry

I kinda expected a dead body to float to the surface here, this place had the blackest water and the most eerie atmosphere, it was almost like you could hear the hooves of the horse bearing the knights (or goblins depending on your fairy tale) coming thru the trees…

Its actually a place called Faskally Forest in Scotland which is a completely man made / planted area, it was used as a place to train younger 'foresters' in the way of repairing areas ravaged by war. In any case, its a cool spot and apparently the fishing is pretty good too (no dead bodies that I could find either 😉 )

10 thoughts on “The enchanted Forest – Pitlochry

  1. My Dad was a Forester in Scotland. I grew up just outside Aberfoyle in the Queen Elizabeth National Forest. We visited Pitlochry many times. I went back there last October. The little town had not changed much, but the surrounding scenery is sublime. A great capture here. 🙂

  2. +Richard Hallford That's interesting to know, one thing I noticed about Scotland was the proactive nature of the forestry industry , something here in Australia is completely backwards.. we need 'Foresters' here 🙂
    Pitlochry is a wonderful little town, we enjoyed out overnight stay there and its certainly nice touristy town (even tho one of the distillery's would not let me in with my kids in tow 🙁 )
    Richard you are very lucky to live so close 🙂

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