There were 4 on the ridge and the little one said

There were four on the ridge and the little one siad.. - (c)  2015 Gerard Blacklock

8 Landscape orientation images manually stitched
D750 coupled with 70-200mm f2.8 @ 170mm Aperture: f/11 and Shutter Speed: 1/400s
ISO 100

watch out that farmer is coming with his chainsaw 🙂

I have often been accused of having ulterior motives for visiting various locations, mostly to do with the desire to take a few piccies 🙂 sometimes its true others not 🙂 However myself and chaos went out to Lake Lyell for a bit of timeout and to get out of the house, admittingly I did want to see what the place was like from a photographic point of view so it was a convienent coincidence i say 🙂

During the drive out I noticed a few trees and thought they look pretty cool but it was not until we actually drove back the way we came that the scene presented itself like this, four lonely trees on a ridge. Its funny how perspective and position make all the difference in a scene, there was basically only one spot from the road where the slope had a nice roll to it and the trees appear right on the horizon, probably be a cool scene from the other side too.. if you could access it.

Chaos and I had checked out the lake, found a good stash of blackberries and it had just started to pour with rain as we drove back. I saw the scene and the conditions looked really sweet but we had to get back and there was some crazy lightning around.

I had contemplated a sunrise session here, but that was kinda outta the question, however as luck would have it, later in the morning another blackberry collecting session was needed so chaos was very accommodating at the suggestion of lots of blackberries even agreed to be patient whilst I stopped and took a few photo’s 🙂

‘but dad, remember you can only take a 5 pictures, you promised to be quick’

so..5 pictures (or maybe it was 8) later we were off to the blackberries :). Thanks to +Cameron Fong for the loan of the lens which got me in the right range for this one.

Blackberries were awesome too, came back with a nice bucket load of them 🙂 all in all everyone got what they wanted

This is 8 images stitched together as a panorama, probably only 6 were needed since i chopped a big bit off the left side..The light was not optimal, but it was either this or nothing, it would have looked great at sunrise..especially with all those pinks 🙂

Exif/setup love:
8 Landscape orientation images manually stitched
D750 coupled with 70-200mm f2.8 @ 170mm Aperture: f/11 and Shutter Speed: 1/400s
ISO 100
out front – trees and some ridge near Lake Lyell

23 thoughts on “There were 4 on the ridge and the little one said

  1. Congratulations! Your wonderful photo deserves promotion, please add it to your BTP Photo Gallery. From there we can promote it on google+ and eventually it might become featured in our Top-Photo-Gallery or website's Front Page. You find the submit link on the right side of our website, if you encounter difficulties please use the help-desk, also visible on besttopphotographer dot com.
    Thanks in advance for your submission.
    Ivan Andric

  2. 🙂 Wonderful! In Italy we say: "prendere due piccioni con una fava", I think the translation "kill two birds with on a stone". You've got a terrific photo, so poetic… with exceptional contrast of gray tones and light formidable… while chaos has had her delicious blackberries ( and it benefits the whole family :D) Not everyone have certain fortunes.

  3. Thanks +Walter Gawronski , i really like these scenes and am always striving to 'see' more like where ever I go.
    Its funny you say that about the corrugated iron sheets, we did the same thing as kids and there was nothing better than laying by the creek after eating way too many blackberries and having ya mum lose it at you cause of all the stains on your clothes 😉

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