Tickles @ 1

Tickles @ 1 - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

Tickles @ 1 – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
D7000 with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ 55mm – Aperture: f/3.3 and Shutter Speed: 1/1500 seconds
ISO 400
out front – mum and bubs, cake in the process of being destroyed.

proud mum and a happy baby with a fist full of cake

5th October 2014, little old tickles has clocked up a whole year, 12 months ago (and 20 hours) the sound of her cry as she came into the world (yeah i know that sounds corny) is still something that is as fresh in my ears as if it was yesterday. The feeling of relief and joy that followed that moment still washes over me whenever I think about it. Anyway, enough of that 😉 fast forward 12 months and we have gotten onto two legs, climbed ladders, climbed onto stools like a little elephant and sat there, successfully eye gouged dad several times, nearly booted dad’s teeth out with some serious ninja kicks and most importantly of all, given us lots of giggles, laughs, smiles and happy memories with many more to come.

Happy birthday tickles. enjoy your cake.

Techie data:
D7000 with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ 55mm – Aperture: f/3.3 and Shutter Speed: 1/1500 seconds
ISO 400
out front – mum and bubs, cake in the process of being destroyed.

18 thoughts on “Tickles @ 1

  1. Ahhh Happy Birthday Princess ,,, hope you had a great time celebrating lil 1's 1st b'day mummy, daddy & not forgetting older sis …
    Bonnie as ever Gerard :)))
    Birthday wishes & Lots of kisses xx
    Thanks for sharing ,,, God bless u & your family Gerard 🙂

  2. Oh happy birthday tickles….I'm late on your special day but you and I have something in common, yesterday was also my birthday !!! Wonderful and very precious shot…mom and daughter so so beautiful and sweet, and that cake had to be delicious 😀

  3. Man – this is going to sound super corny and I'm not sure why this hasn't triggered before but my second daughters birthday is also the same day! (be afraid… very afraid….)
    Happy birthday girls!! 🙂

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