Tickles (well what I reckon what going on in her head):
"Dad you should really try this toothbrush man… its so much more awesome than my dinky little one….. really dad stop taking photos and try it 🙂 mum won't know a thing.. she only uses it to paint stuff on her face you know?"
for the record, mum does not like having her 'brushes' used as toothbrushes 🙁
Love this pictures and… comments 😀😀😀
LOL ;))) what kind of flavor toothpaste do you guys use, I wonder?
Bahahaha! Go Tickles :p Silly Mummy and Daddy! Don't they realize this is how you keep your teeth 'beautiful' lol ;-))
thankyou +sophie DIDIER , glad you got a smile out of it.
+Winnie Young
I am the processing of battling the teeth brushing which tickles seems to think is just an opportunity to suck the toothpaste off … grr 🙁
but these new fangled make up brushes may change all that 🙂
+Kitten KaboodleInc
you have watched too much peppa pig 😉 Silly daddy 🙂 I am not sure about the health benefits of this option, whilst they were pretty clean i am pretty sure makeup has some big labels saying external use only 🙂
one picture which did not work out was the one where she stuck the brush in my face… i was in self defense mode then rather than picture taking mode lol.
+Gerard Blacklock may be big sis Chaos could give her a little demo 😉
+Winnie Young haha mostly shes a good influence but sometimes:
chaos + mayhem (tickles) = utter destruction
+Gerard Blacklock Hahahahaha 😉 you cracking me up! Ya, what if they both join force starting to fling the toothpaste at you!!! That was a good laugh for today!
+Gerard Blacklock hehe Silly Gerry :p and yes hate to choke on a bristle or two
:-/ would a paid money for the 'brush in face' photo lol!! 😀
+Gerard Blacklock Tickles looks totally blissed out! I bet mum was impressed lol! A timelapse of your self defence matrix moves would have been priceless! 😉
+Tom Testone
when mum first saw the photo she was like:
'awww isn't she soo cute…. '
'whats that she sucking on?..'
(that's the moment of realisation)
<insert expletives here>
most of my camera lens etc have had greasy little finger marks on them now, i have given up trying to do matrix style dodging 🙂
+Winnie Young
lol… well there was this one time when they were both in the bath….that ended with me soaked 🙁 all because Ariel (or whatever doll) needed to do some splashing..
+Kitten KaboodleInc
hehe )
+Gerard Blacklock 😀
Very cute Tickles!! You may have to patent it before Oral B cottons on!! 😉 Too funny +Gerard Blacklock, +Winnie Young, +Kitten KaboodleInc, and +Tom Testone …thank you all for the laughs!! 🙂
+Elizabeth Testone hehe np have a great evening all of you 🙂