
Following on from my first composition ( of the these falls this was the second in my limited 5 compositions, I was looking for a panorama image, but just could not quite see the landscape version at this point, I did eventually find a landscape version after this one.
I really liked the rocks and the little ferns and wanted to include this with the classic scene that is Somersby falls, at 16mm I could not get it in, hence I opted for a vertical panorama 🙂

This was 3 portrait orientation images stitched together, strangely enough adobe PS could not stitch them, so I had to use PTGUI, which I really like, however I only use for bracketed panos etc since it adds another step and program to the process. That said, I can almost guarantee if PTGUI can’t stitch it…. and (this is important) provide good perspective control then it just ain’t gonna work 🙂 h/t +PTGui , love your work.

Exif love:
3 vertical shots stitched each as follows:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/18 and Shutter Speed: 30s
ISO 100
out front – Hoya CPL


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