Whilst our friends on the northern side of the planet freeze their nuts off we have the best of both worlds, hiking in the middle of summer in 30 degree heat only to come across these large tracks of unmelted snow from last years winter – the perfect way to cool down

Both girls enjoyed exploring the ice overhangs and sliding down the snow bridge. Whilst this image does not do the scale justice, the overhangs are about 1.5m to 2m high..

This image is a 4 shot panorama (handle held) with each shot bracketed to capture the highlights and shadows of the ice overhangs.

6 thoughts on “Whilst our friends on the northern side of the planet freeze their nuts off we have the best of both worlds, hiking in the middle of summer in 30 degree heat only to come across these large tracks of unmelted snow from last years winter – the perfect way to cool down

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