3rd Tickle

I'll let ya'all into a parenting secret (besides the 'dont have kids one' 😉 )

When it comes to their birthday party get them to make the party food, it has several distinct advantages, like – keeps them occupied, they are gonna eat the food anyways, irrespective of what it looks like 🙂 they can't blame you for the food and also you have someone to blame if everyone gets crook 😉 (which did not happen btw:) ). Now we will brush over all the disadvantages, like, increased cleaning etc and finding child #2 licking chocolate icing off the door frame 😉 (I do have a photo but am not allowed to show it 🙁 )

So, happy birthday Tickles and thanks to big sis aka Chaos for all the help particularly the excellent direction in blowing out candles, snaffling extra lollies from the party cups and generally, lovingly living up to your nickname 🙂

I suppose Sarah Joy did pretty well too, helped the kids make the food 🙂

15 thoughts on “3rd Tickle

  1. +Kitten KaboodleInc hehehe, i love the way she can hang onto her toys (bear) whilst deploying a cupcake 🙂 the doorframe picture is awesome, she was walking around with a whisk with chocolate icing on it and bumped into the door frame then as she walked back through the door noticed chocolate icing on the door frame and said ' mmm chocolate' – in her defence she had her hands full so it was the only option to get said chocolate into her mouth 🙂

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