Alien Body snatcher

watch out for the giant the hand

those paying attention would have noticed that this feature, dubbed Mirador, is a repeat from the Sculptures by the sea a few years back ( )

Check it out here :

Designed by University architecture graduates Ivana Kuzmonovska and Rachel Couper. Each part was modelled in Rhino 3D – just for all you CAD junkies out there 😉

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 2.5s
ISO 100
out front – crazy alien dome

6 thoughts on “Alien Body snatcher

  1. Great, +Gerard Blacklock​, this is a truly original shot, love the atmosphere!
    Rhino3D? Good to know that somenone still use it, it's the easiest and most effective 3D modeler in my opinion. I've designed many products with that software and I had a lot of fun 😁
    Have a nice sunday!

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