Simplicity is often the best when light painting, like any aspect of photography, its all about the light, get it right and it makes the scene, get it wrong and even a strong composition is gonna struggle.
I took this shot whilst walking between sculptures, it was late and very few people around, the sky was bright and the simple adding of some coloured light brought the sculpture alive.
This year with the sculptures I tried very hard ot take fewer shots and nail the single shot rather have to cull thru several shots for each sculpture i shot. This is one example, this is the only shot I took of this, no retakes or second chances 🙂
Techie love data
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 19mm Aperture: f/19 and Shutter Speed: 104.4s
out front – no filters..just some crazy tall cubby houses
Lightpainting: coloured LED torch
That's wonderful!
Love the coloured lights +Gerard Blacklock
Wonderful shot……..
Really brilliant!!
Love the color of the sky!
Very Beautiful :-))
what are those mini cages stood by long legs?
muy bello!
Clever colours +Gerard Blacklock ! Its a bit cheeky of the builders to not let kids anywhere near the cubby houses though!
Also, I never knew moonlighting could be this bright!
Congratulation! Your wonderful photo will be added to our daily selection and your BTP Top Photo Gallery on our website at besttopphotographer dot com.
Have a wonderful time!
Ivan Andric
Congratulations !!!