Dance to the edge punks

Dance to the Edge Punks - (c) Gerard Blacklock

Dance to the Edge Punks – (c) Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 180.2s
out front – no filters..just in need of some pole dancers…
Lightpainting: EL steps, chaos’s fairy wands, coloured LED torch and some very faint EL wire.

pick a podium and run with it
Probably not quite the original intention of the sculpture artist but hey…. I reckon it looks pretty mad 🙂

The full moon played some havoc with the Electroluminescent wire which meant I went for another look using some stronger lights and my classic footprints.

Techie love data
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 180.2s
out front – no filters..just in need of some pole dancers…
Lightpainting: EL steps, chaos’s fairy wands, coloured LED torch and some very faint EL wire.


14 thoughts on “Dance to the edge punks

  1. +Kitten KaboodleInc i had some good style happening there, but i think my technique needs some professional attention 🙂
    re. chaos's fairy wands.. yep, they belong to her, i borrowed them since she was in bed 🙂 otherwise I would have gotten her to hold them for me !

  2. This is straight out of an episode of 'Ben and Holly' or 'Peppa pig'!! Love your light painting works. You should do an album on Google plus and put all your light painting images together. May be just a series for the footsteps… it would be like an alien story !!

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