Sometime we all need a hand getting up the hill, some just choose a different spot for it 😉
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+Visit NSW
+SilhouetteSaturday curated by +Naila Ziani
+Sunset Saturday curated by +Dennis Hoffbuhr
+Dawn On Sunday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +linda stokes
+Sky Sunday – Photography Theme curated by +Patrick Scherkenbach and +Randy Scherkenbach
+Sunday Sublte Landscapes curated by +Steve Sieren
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes, +Vincent Dale and +Ali Sadreddini
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
+***** curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
Although if you don't read carefully it's called "Bum fat" and with that outstretched arm…
it's orange and black – I'm in 🙂 . Witty sense of humour, +Gerard Blacklock !
And +Rodney Campbell – ouch. :-)))))
love the colors and shapes! Thanks for sharing with #dawnonsunday +Gerard Blacklock :))
Great comp.& silhouettes! +Gerard Blacklock thanks for the share :))
Great color and silhouettes. Thanks for sharing for #SkySunday
+Rodney Campbell not sure why ya have bum fat on your mind 😉
cheers +Florin Munteanu pretty epic colours that afternoon.
Thankyou +linda stokes
Thanks +Naila Ziani
Thanks +Randy Scherkenbach, nice theme #skysunday
Almost there +Gerard Blacklock . A very nice image, thank you for sharing.
thanks +AllThingsRed and yes your right…almost there..