Location #451

Location #451 which is better than any roadhouse on the Pacific Highway to stop.

Bulahdelah is a nice town to stop in, however a step up is the Myall lakes national park, its a bit out of the way, but if your not in the hurry you can spend a couple of hours here and enjoy the beach, dunes and a lake to boot 🙂


view large to see the pain only those who do not live in the blues point tower have to suffer
I wonder if anyone asked…"so whats this highrise gonna look like? will it spoil the view of anything in the harbour?……………..like the operahouse or bridge?" 🙂

I will welcome the day that this piece of building (Blues Point Tower) is gutted and filled explosive ready to be brought back down to the earth, then I will come back here take a much much nicer picture 😉

That is unless someone who lives there offers me a spot for New Years Eve 2015 😉 then I might consider retracting my opinion. 😉

In the meantime, when I get a bit more time and my photochop sklills are a bit better, I am gonna clone that building out and see what the view would really look like.

It will also be very interesting to see the view in a few years when the Barangaroo site is complete.

This was the last of only a couple of sneaky shots i managed to fit in before dinner, I would have loved to get a few more images as the blue hour really developed, however reality and kids bath time takes priority 🙂

Pretty easy going image, 6 landscape orientation images stitched together, its one of the few times I have used the LEE 0.6 graduated filter, normally I opt for the stronger 0.9 filter.

6 shot Panorama
Techie data:
D7000 with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ 55mm – Aperture: f/9.5 and Shutter Speed: 15 seconds
out front – LEE 0.6 Graduated Filter
Out to the right – sunset 🙂

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.

Foggy Glen

View large

This is from a spot which I refer to as the fair-weather photographers spot 😉 if your looking for a quiet accessible waterfall then this is your location, a short walk down some steps and there is a nice sheltered spot to setup your tripod and take in the beauty of this small final waterfall in the Leura Cascades.
I have taken photos of this waterfall a total of 3 times now and each time I have come away with differing images do the conditions but also due changes in the way I view a scene and compose it. To be honest I don't think I have necessarily improved on previous attempts, moreso just generated different images 🙂

The falls are quite small and required quite a wide angle lens, in this case, rather than run with a single image I decided to try and encapsulate the scene pretty well in its entirety, well as much as my pano format would allow! As always a scene like this, even on a rainy overcast day has quite some dynamic range in the light, as such i bracketed each shot in this panorama, this meant I had alot more control of those shadowy areas 🙂 There was quite a few portrait orientation shots (about 8) taken for this and then it was cropped fairly heavily from the top and bottom.

Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter 20, 6 & 30 seconds
ISO 160
out front – Hoya screw in circular polariser and neutral density filter (3 stops)

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed

Bums on the edge

Flow to me
Sometimes to achieve that composition there is only one way to do it – wet feet and bum out over the edge of the next waterfall, whilst confident that a missplaced step would send me over the edge i had some comfort in the fact it was only a few feet down 😉 not like the falls below that 🙂

Anyway, itsa great little spot Leura Cascades and whilst you can go for the fair-weather positions there is plenty of scope to reach out and pull a composition of the cascades that has some originality to it 🙂

Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter 10 seconds
ISO 160 (don't ask me why 🙂 ) this was one of the first shots so the old brain was a bit fuzzy 😉
out front – Hoya screw in circular polariser and neutral density filter (3 stops)

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed

Green and Gold

I tried a new processing technique with this one, rather than the usual one handed effort (the other hand is rocking 5.5month old tickles) – which by the way should excuse my terrible spelling and grammar 🙂
anyway,..this time i pulled out the baby carrier, or as i refer to it as..the back killer, clearly not designed for large men….and plonked tickles in it, this means i can process with two hands, spend quality time with tickles and listen to classical whilst she falls asleep…multitasking is my middle name…the other is lazy 😉

In all seriousness, this is another image from Lawson, this great set of falls permits one to easily climb up onto the rock steps and compose as one wishes, in this case I am going through a little pano waterfall phase and as such follows that theme.

3 frame pano image, each frame manually bracketed to achieve the desired dynamic range.

Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter 10, 3 & 30 seonds
out front – Hoya screw in circular polariser and neutral density filter (3 stops)

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed

The Weeping Swirls

The beautiful thing about the Weeping Falls (or as I know them the lower Bridal Veil falls) is the amount of different perspectives on the falls, over on the left crouched between a few rocks I noticed this nice little eddy current swirling around (only after taking the first 30 second shot 🙂 )

The lush green foliage, the fog and the filtered light worked perfectly to light the scene, even at 30 seconds it was a striggle to capture all the shadow detail.

Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm Aperture: f/9.5
out front – Hoya screw in circular polariser and neutral density filter (3 stops)

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed

The Opaque World

Its like a mesmerizing blurry mirror that you can't tear your eyes away from, each second the shape, colour and contrast change as the light refracts through the ebbing water.

The light was fading very fast and the colour disappearing just as quick, i could see the campfire ablaze in the distance and a clinking of beer bottles was calling. Rather than wait the 2 minutes at f/16 for the bright exposure i took 3 frames at different apertures all at 30 seconds as a means to expedite my parched throat to the waiting beer. Said goodbye to the shy crabs and took another single frame before trekking back to the pinpoint of light that was our campsite.

Similarly to the last image, I processed it in Nik HDR efex pro2 using pretty much the same custom preset, now dubbed 'gerry's dark one' then finished off in my usual process.

I love reading the comments that people leave and I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed!

+Visit NSW
+Coastal Thursday curated by +David Polzine +Jon Kahn
+ColorsOnFriday curated by +Karsten Meyer +Britta Rogge
curated by +Jarek Klimek
+Promote Photography
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+Everything Red curated by +Carra Riley +Donna St. Pierre
+All Things Green curated by +Cicely Robin Laing
+Everything Green curated by +andi rivarola
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker

Dunbogan and the cranky clouds

Don't let the name turn you off – prime realestate and some cliffs (behind the shot) that are to die for.

What I find really amazing about doing seascape sessions is the variations in the rock, in the space of only 25 kms the rock on the headlands can change from basalt (well i think its basalt, its black and smooth and fing slippery) to this kind of conglomerate rock.

Probably a geologists dream 😉 Anyway some cranky clouds.

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker

Private Jetty

A view from one of the many corners of Queenslake, I quite liked the funky cloud formations and the mirroring effect on the horizon.

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Black and White Fine Art Photography Gallery curated by +Joel Tjintjelaar
+Monochrome Arty Club curated by +JR Snyder Jr , +JR Snyder Jr , +June Penn , +Seth Mayer and +Steve Tang
+Monochrome Monday curated by +Hans Berendsen +Jerry Johnson +Steve Barge +Dominique Hilbert +David Orr +Martin Heller
+10000 Photographers BW curated by +Robert SKREINER +Victor Westerhout
+All Things Monochrome curated by +Charles Lupica
+HQSP Monochrome curated by +Blake Harrold +Trever McGhee +Johnny Minor and +Rinus Bakker
+Monochrome World curated by +andi rivarola
+BTP Monochrome Pro curated by +Rinus Bakker

The Witch Widjirriejuggi and the fate of the 3 brothers of the Birpai tribe

North Brother, the European name (by Captain Cook) for the hill in the distance and the place where one of the Dreamtime legend Birpai tribe brothers rests.

Like the Napoleon advertisement, its a crime not to prime view large 🙂

It was a bit wild and woolley out this evening – look carefully and you can see the lightning in two places on the right of the image – don't ask how i stitched a image and got two lighting bolts 😉 its a long story 😉 6 landscape orientation images stitched.

Sometimes its worthwhile braving the elements for a shot and this was one such time, although i and others have questioned my sanity here considering the hill (north brother) in the distance did get fried by lightning 🙂 and I was considering heading up there for sunset 🙂

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Sea Tuesday curated by +Julia Anna Gospodarou
+Stone Saturday curated by +Jen Baptist +Antoine Berger
+Sunset Saturday curated by +Dennis Hoffbuhr
+Sunrise Saturday curated by +Josh Davis
+Beach Sunday curated by +Ross Campbell
+Dawn On Sunday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +Linda Stokes
+Sky Sunday – Photography Theme curated by +Randy Scherkenbach +Patrick Scherkenbach
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
curated by +Jarek Klimek
+Promote Photography
+Stunning Moment curated by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+Landscape Photos curated by +Robert SKREINER
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes and +Vincent Dale

+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+Everything Red curated by +Carra Riley +Donna St. Pierre
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+*** curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Claire Jennings +Terrie Gray +Michael Thomas Jeppesen +Hallie Guilfoyle +Karol Drozd +Sebastian T. +Stefan Kierek +Michael Garza +Anja Wessels

Ship wrecker

I can only imagine the pain one would be in if one was to come anywhere near this place in a boat at night even in the mildest of conditions…

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Moody Monday curated by +Philip Daly +Carole Buckwalter +Annelies Kroen-Jansen
+NatureMonday curated by +Rolf Hicker +Jen Baptist
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+Coastal Thursday curated by +David Polzine +Jon Kahn
+LongExposure Thursday curated by +Francesco Gola +Luca Gerardi
/ by +Giuseppe Basile and +Mark Esguerra
+Stone Saturday curated by +Jen Baptist +Antoine Berger
+Dawn On Sunday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +Linda Stokes
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
curated by +Jarek Klimek
+Promote Photography
+Stunning Moment curated by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+Landscape Photos curated by +Robert SKREINER
+AllThingsBlue curated by +Josef Ehrlich
+B for Blue curated by +Aileen Sorenson
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker


What better way to photography a lighthouse then with the bigstopper 🙂 Lee turned B+W

220 seconds of cloud movement.

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+LighthouseThursday curated by +Heiko Köster
+LongExposure Thursday curated by +Francesco Gola +Luca Gerardi
+SilhouetteSaturday curated by +Naila Ziani
+Sunset Saturday curated by +Dennis Hoffbuhr
+Sunrise Saturday curated by +Josh Davis
+Dawn On Sunday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +Linda Stokes
+Sky Sunday – Photography Theme curated by +Randy Scherkenbach +Patrick Scherkenbach
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
curated by +Jarek Klimek
+Promote Photography
+Stunning Moment curated by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+Landscape Photos curated by +Robert SKREINER
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes and +Vincent Dale
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+Everything Red curated by +Carra Riley +Donna St. Pierre
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+* curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker

Bunker Graf

Well you cannot accuse the graf artists of not recycling 😉 it would be a boring miserable old bunker without a bit of colour 😉 Better than lighting up the trains at least.

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
Urban & Street Photos +HQSP Urban & Street Photos curated by +Rhea Surgimath +Michael Sonntag +Оксана Крысюкова
paintitclub +PaintIt Club curated by +Richard Mabb +Celso de Carvalho +Clare Bambers +Rick Leaf +k phelps +Carol Small +Astrid Bartels +Milena Ilieva +Stefan Kierek +Elin Vaeth
+HDR the World curated by +Karl Geiger Jr +Karl Geiger +Gregory Cox +Stanley Harper +Wameq Raza
+HQSP HDR curated by +Bret Shah and +Aamir Shahzad