Flow to me
Sometimes to achieve that composition there is only one way to do it – wet feet and bum out over the edge of the next waterfall, whilst confident that a missplaced step would send me over the edge i had some comfort in the fact it was only a few feet down 😉 not like the falls below that 🙂
Anyway, itsa great little spot Leura Cascades and whilst you can go for the fair-weather positions there is plenty of scope to reach out and pull a composition of the cascades that has some originality to it 🙂
Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter 10 seconds
ISO 160 (don't ask me why 🙂 ) this was one of the first shots so the old brain was a bit fuzzy 😉
out front – Hoya screw in circular polariser and neutral density filter (3 stops)
As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed
wow so beautiful pics!
oh wow great!
Breathtaking photo,I absolutely love it.
Beaut shot +Gerard Blacklock love it mate
Now thats a great pic !!
Nice shot. Well done excellent.
+Gerard Blacklock this is just awesome. So worth the effort. This image has been selected as a most excellent share on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward +Gerard Blacklock and +Dave Tomek (Dave)

The low angle works really well here Gerry
+Gerard Blacklock the movement of the water you captured here is splendid. The very saturated colour, mainly in the green, creates an exciting atmopshere like a tropical area … Great job Gerard. Best regards.
You have captured beautiful Leura at its best +Gerard Blacklock
Very nice Gerry. The fog adds quite bit to the feel if the image.
Another great shot, added to your body of work. Thanks for sharing your talent and photo info.
We have shared many photographers and artists for selecting of +A.P.A.P.Grand talent
Wonderful image! +Gerard Blacklock
I am sharing your photo with #artistphtographeramateurorprofessional +Artist , photographer , amateur or professional by +jany viala and + Krzysztof Felczak
We are pleased and honored to share your work. Thank you!
I think it's flawless – composition, tones, contrast, balance between the highlight and shadows, and this wonderful, wonderful effect of long exposure!.. I could get lost in this image… could stare at it endlessly… This is just perfect!
+Gerard Blacklock where was this taken?
+Jenni Thompson
Leura cascades