Myself and +Rodney Campbell caught up to try and see what the smoke haze over the city would look like at sunset, in doing so we made a visit to the nearby drink/refreshment bar which had a few postcards of the view nearby, so, in the spirit of a particular impossible postcard here is the following panorama.
Good to see +Cameron Fong out today as well. +Suren J was out tending his herd of fresh krill.
Nice, I'm at the Gold Coast atm. It's amazing how many people are cruising around taking photos with their ipads! Looks stupid!
I agree – but a sign of the times +Chris Harris
Sweet LE Panosaurus Gerry – I've only managed to unload my images and do a quick sort through and not tried stitching any of my pano's yet – now that I've seen yours I'm not sure I want to bother :). Mine are all from much earlier before any city lights are on 🙁
Great to catch up +Gerard Blacklock – till next weekend…
lol +Chris Harris very true 🙂 hope your enjoying your honeymoon!
Excellent panorama!
Gorgeous light, color and a fantastic panorama. 🙂
Fantastic panoramic shot!
How could you not love that city?
Dont want to come home!
Beautiful image +Gerard Blacklock –never cliche, this is great!
Stunning Panorama especially with tjis gorgeous light, awesome capture +Gerard Blacklock
Thanks +Steve Alvarado, +Nikhilesh Singh
+Stephen Eastop yeah, not too bad of a place to live!
Fully understand +Chris Harris, i expect images 🙂 (of the great gold coast scenery 😉 )
Thanks +Gail Beerman and +Maximilian Laue I appreciate the time to look and comment.
Lovely lightshow
Great work!
+Gerard Blacklock Beautiful scene and great capture.
thanks for having a look and commenting +Yasmin S , +Silke Tüxen and +Circles Circles Circles!
Nice! And by the way: thank you for your kind words about my posts!