Can you guess how many people were taking photos today at Mrs Mac's Chair? buckets loads, from ipads to canon 400mm-er's everything was there hanging out

Myself and +Rodney Campbell caught up to try and see what the smoke haze over the city would look like at sunset, in doing so we made a visit to the nearby drink/refreshment bar which had a few postcards of the view nearby, so, in the spirit of a particular impossible postcard here is the following panorama.

Good to see +Cameron Fong out today as well. +Suren J was out tending his herd of fresh krill.

17 thoughts on “Can you guess how many people were taking photos today at Mrs Mac's Chair? buckets loads, from ipads to canon 400mm-er's everything was there hanging out

  1. I agree – but a sign of the times +Chris Harris
    Sweet LE Panosaurus Gerry – I've only managed to unload my images and do a quick sort through and not tried stitching any of my pano's yet – now that I've seen yours I'm not sure I want to bother :). Mine are all from much earlier before any city lights are on 🙁

    Great to catch up +Gerard Blacklock – till next weekend…

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