Sydney Skyline on a smoky sunday afternoon. The super low tide gives one great access to some slightly out of the ordinary shots of Sydney Harbour and the Sydney Opera house. 180 seconds for the water, taken from Mrs Macquarie's Chair.
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wow!awesome photo!
Beautiful shot!
One of the best photos of Sydney harbour I have seen for a while. I get tired of seeing the same mass produced tourism shots! Love it 🙂
Love this long exposure!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!!
Totallly mesmerizing!
Awesome picture!
Excellent composition and great capture !
Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!
Very nice picture +Gerard Blacklock !
Sweet as ….
Nice composition +Gerard Blacklock
cheers +Stefan DorinaLucia and +Belinda V.
+Justine King I agree, there are so many cliché images, i even took one too 🙂 ( it is a challenge to get something different. Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for looking and commenting +Margaret Tompkins , +Sen Zen , +Vijaya B, +Delcour Eric , +Kevin Rowe , +Dominique Dubied , +Dean Cannon and +Chris Harris
Nice one +Gerard Blacklock – I still reckon you needed to try the moving rock 🙂
Always up for a challenge for the unusual +Gerard Blacklock! 🙂
Cheers +Rodney Campbell, i actually think the saturation in this one is a bit too much. The moving rock eh..? could get some funky effects i guess.
Thanks +Justine King gotta love a challenge 🙂