Bicycle Tyre Liner vs Steel/Brass Tack

So, after 3 successive flat tyres whilst belting along the freeway on the pushie the I deemed it necessary to investigate some better options to protect those little tubes full of that glorious air that makes for a more comfortable and speedy arival to ones destination šŸ™‚

Tyre liners, these are bascially strips of plastic/rubber that sit between the tyre and the inner tube, relatively cheap, 30 odd dollars for two and are pretty easy to fit, they seem to have very little, if any, detrimental effect to the performance of the inner tube and tyre. They are referred to as STOP Flats 2 by Brown, made in the USA.

So for many a month these little strips performed perfectly and I was flat tyre free! Until one day when I noticed a slow leak in the front tyre, I left this go for a few weeks since it did not really bother me too much, however shortly before the Creat Victorian Bike Ride I figured it wise to investiage the cause of the slow leak.

After pulling the tyre off and tracking down the hole in the inner tube I found teh culprit, a small tack about 5mm in length, this has lodged itself in the tyre and was just long enough to penetrate the tough strip! Crazy stuff ehh..I am still impressed by the perform of these strips, I mean at the end of the day, riding over a nail or tack is gonna cause any tyre problems unless its got chainmail or something! That said, I reckon I might take them up on their offer of a free inner tube if you do get a puncture!

I reckon that set of images pretty well sums up the issue!

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 8

Day Eight – Yea to Eildon – Saturday 04 December

Official DistanceĀ  64km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 3:22hrs

Distance: 68.9 kms

Average Speed: 20.4 km/h

maximum Speed 54.9 km/h

Calories Burnt: 1134.0

ODO: 579.5

Some big hills and some serious downhills too, this was starting to make day 2 look like a walk in the park! Some big stacks on this day too, makes one alittle more cautious on the down hills after seeing the SES go in ahead and the B412 rescue chopper beat over head!

Weather: it looked like it was gonna rain but did not, cloudy and cool, nice for riding!

The Good Oil Newsletter:

Day 8 A3 _Saturday night_

Day 8 A4 Insert _Saturday night_

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 7

Day Seven – Seymour to Yea – Friday 03 December

Official DistanceĀ  85km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 4:20hrs

Distance: 91.93 kms

Average Speed: 21.1 km/h

maximum Speed 63.7km/h

Calories Burnt: 1573.6

ODO: 510.3

This day had some pretty hard hills, but I reckon I do better at the hills than the flats!

Weather: Bloody Hail at the last rest stop, what the hell is with the weather in Victoria at the moment..craziness!

The Good Oil Newsletter:

Day 7 A3 _Friday night_

Day 7 A4 Insert _Friday night_

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 6

Day Six – Nagambie to Seymour – Thursday 02 December

Official DistanceĀ  101km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 4:33hrs

Distance: 105.45 kms

Average Speed: 23.1km/h

maximum Speed 46.2km/h

Calories Burnt: 1802.1

ODO: 418.4

Welcome to the world of pain!, actually it was not too bad and my average speed reflects this.

Weather: Great early on, nice and cool, with a little cloud, but after the lunch stop on teh final leg down into Seymour, past the Pupa.. something army training base it absolutely shat down…, everything was wet!

The Good Oil Newsletter:

Day 6 A3 _Thursday night_

Day 6 A4 Insert _Thursday night_

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 4

Day Four – Murchison to Nagambie – Tuesday 30 November

Official DistanceĀ  69km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 3:24hrs

Distance: 73.01 kms

Average Speed: 21.4km/h

maximum Speed 34.8km/h

Calories Burnt: 1094.5

ODO: 312.9

Pretty much the same as the last day, almost the same time and speeds, this day I readjusted the bike seat, put it up by about another 1.5″ in total, this made heaps of difference to my RHS knee, the hip was a bit sore still, but thats to be expected from the prang the week before!

This was a nice ride, pretty flat had some nice lunch/morning tea stops, checked out the river and weir…

The campsite at Nagambie was chaos, everyone trying to get a good spot for the two nights there!

Weather: thats a good question, lol, nah same as teh day before, a bit of sunshine towards the later part of teh day but some nice cloud to keep things cool.

The Good Oil Newsletter:

DAY 4 2010 – 181110 MC

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 3

Day Three – Euroa to Murchison – Monday 29 November

Official Distance 68km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 3:20hrs

Distance: 72.33 kms

Avergae Speed: 21.6km/h

maximum Speed 34.8km/h

Calories Burnt: 1122.0

ODO: 239.5

This day was pretty straight forward, there was a nice little tailwind and it was all pretty darn flat. The old RHS knee as starting to feel it though.

Weather: Thin layer of overcast cloud, enough to keep things cool but trick you into get fried!

The Good Oil Newsletter:

DAY 3 2010 – 181110 MC

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 2

Day Two – Dookie to Euroa – Sunday 28 November

Official Distance 84km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 4:50hrs

Distance: 89.30 kms

Avergae Speed: 18.4km/h

maximum Speed 56.3km/h

Calories Burnt: 1344.9

ODO: 167.2

Shite man, check out the hill on this day, long continous and painful hill, but boy was the downhill part fun

Weather: Nice sunny day with some cloud, there was some headwind breeze on the final leg into Euroa, but not too bad.

The Good Oil Newsletter:

DAY 2 2010 – 111110 MC

2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 1

Day One – Yarrawonga to Dookie- Saturday 27 November

Official Distance 69km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 3:47hrs

Distance: 77.92 kms

Average Speed: 20.5km/h

maximum Speed 41.1km/h

Calories Burnt: 1145.1

Weather: Nice sunny day to start off with and a brisk breeze, rained steadily for the last couple of km’s into Dookie Campsite

The Full map etc;

Great Vic Ride Full Profile

The Good Oil Newsletter:

DAY 1 2010 – 181110 MC