2010 GVBR (Great Victorian Bike Ride) Day 7

Day Seven – Seymour to Yea – Friday 03 December

Official Distance  85km

Gerry’s Cateye Statistics:

Riding Time: 4:20hrs

Distance: 91.93 kms

Average Speed: 21.1 km/h

maximum Speed 63.7km/h

Calories Burnt: 1573.6

ODO: 510.3

This day had some pretty hard hills, but I reckon I do better at the hills than the flats!

Weather: Bloody Hail at the last rest stop, what the hell is with the weather in Victoria at the moment..craziness!

The Good Oil Newsletter:

Day 7 A3 _Friday night_

Day 7 A4 Insert _Friday night_

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