Deer Pool

View Large and fill that 16:9 screen with what its meant to be filled with – panorama love 🙂 – if you can find a deer in there you win a prize 😉
Its very interesting story how deer ended up in the Royal National Park and their subsequent survival, decline and then expansion over the last 100 odd years. I would never had though it that difficult to eradicate the relatively small number from what is, really a pretty small park – I guess logistics, process and bureaucracy have played an important role here.

Anyway, whatever the case with the deer, there is still one place named after them, that is, Deer Pool, a nice serene pool with a small waterfall and beach, btw that waterfall looks like it would make a mad waterslide, pity about the big rock at the bottom to take your tailbone out 😉

It was quite a difficult set of falls to shoot for me, the size of the falls within the frame is quite small and I needed to zoom in quite a bit to really fill the frame, as such, when all else fails, pano it 🙂

3 shot panorama view.
Techie data:
D7000 with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ 45mm – Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: multiple ( 3 brackets) – however I did only end up using one image – the lighting was diffused and even enough that a single raw file had all the required dynamic range needed (for me)
out front -Hoya screw in circular polariser and Hoya ND8 Neutral Density filter

I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed and always appreciate the time people take to have a look, plus and/or comment.

18 thoughts on “Deer Pool

  1. Outstanding shot mate. I wish I could get to places like this.

    You didn't try some of the local mushrooms while you were waiting for your exposure, did you?
    I can't see any Deer 🙂

  2. I can't definitively see the deer, but I do think I see something behind the tree on the right side of the frame. I did notice you got some great detail when I zoomed in. Brilliant image, the 16:9 was a good choice.

  3. +Walter Gawronski
    mmm mushrooms, rest assured there are deer, just maybe not in this image 🙂
    Getting to alot of theses con be difficult and in some ways that's the challenge – to try and capture somewhat unique imagery. That said I am partial to the locations where you can roll out of ya car and just start shooting 🙂
    Thanks Walter.

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