Ghouls, gals and the search for the portal – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
134 frames
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/4 and Shutter Speed: 60s (each star trail frame) and around 500s for the lighting painting frames.
Iso 640 for the trails. and 100 for everything else
out front – expenise grave site.
Lightpainting: lots of Blue EL wire around the base, LED torch selectively applied with the street lighting off to the left
Sneaky Sunday Night startrails
I don’t think I would have ever thought that I would end up (alive anyway) sitting amongst a whole stack of rather upmarket grave sites taking star trails shots and eating pizza.
That said, the idea had crossed my radar a few times before and with the conditions just right with moon rise well into the wee hours of the morning this was another great location with very little light pollution (excluding all them planes)
Unlike the previous Malabar session I decided to make the effort and clone out all the boats and plane trails, alittle tedious, but for this one probably worth the effort.
All images loaded into a stack in PS CC and individual layers adjusted to remove the offending aircraft and boat trails.
Similarly to the previous session it appears my version of the +My Nikon Life Nikkor 16-35mm f4 does some weird stuff. It would appear that the right hand side of the image has significantly less sharpness than that of the left, this is the same as the malabar session which i had put down to some weird phenomenon, the fact that its noticeable even on a fairly low resolution jpegs has me concerned, reviewing some of the other images it appears to be severely exacerbated at f4 and improves when stopping down.
So, how does a lens be sharp on one side and not the other? maybe misaligned glass elements? has anyone else experienced this? anyone wanna take a few test shots at f4 to compare?
So back to the cemetery, no ghouls were spotted, but i certainly had my peepers nice and wide looking, a little bit.. well ok, lets be honest a swamps worth of blue EL wire and just a smattering of red completed the foreground shot, noting that the stock standard original foreground of the star shots actually looks pretty good also, the street lights off to the left (couple of hundred metres away) gave some nice natural side lighting.
No ghouls or grave sites were harmed nor disrespected in this session 🙂
Exif/setup data:
134 frames
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/4 and Shutter Speed: 60s (each star trail frame) and around 500s for the lighting painting frames.
Iso 640 for the trails. and 100 for everything else
out front – expenise grave site.
Lightpainting: lots of Blue EL wire around the base, LED torch selectively applied with the street lighting off to the left
As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.
Another Blacklock classic. You've been doing some very offbeat stuff lately. Christele and I approve. 😉
Oookay +Gerard Blacklock! Adding ghost busting to your resume?? That's not Rockwood is it? Or is it? Looking more like a Chinese Temple ..as for disrespect…hmm well that depends on who you shared the pizza with 😉
Absolutely fantastic work! Amazing plays of colors and atmosphere that seems driven by a desire you dream, a place that seems to serve as a meeting between reality and escape!! Good feeling to me, like a child at the funfair….
Another great shot Gerard…… simply amazing……
Awesomeness! !!!
WOW ! Great one Gérard !
Stunning shot +Gerard Blacklock
Amazing stuff +Gerard Blacklock
after a couple of whiskies I'd be in trouble staring at this
+O. Sydney lol!!
Awesome shot
Fabulous image, amazing composition
Interesting! especially the blue tomb?
Wow….awesome….:) 🙂 🙂
Ah man – now I'm going to have to get off my A$$ and actually process my images 🙂
Cheers for the good times mate – and we got to have the all important pizza this time +Kitten KaboodleInc 🙂
+Rodney Campbell haha well there's this Chinese movie series about Hungry Ghosts..now I know why..no pizza :-/ I look forward to your pimped up ..I mean processed images Rodney 😀
This wonderful image has been chosen to be shared on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward +Ed Cobb +John Hunt and +Gerard Blacklock (Photo Mania Australia is a part of +Photo Mania Global) John Hunt
+Michael Domaradzki
cheers mate.
+Kitten KaboodleInc
this was at Waverly cemetery, it's a pretty iconic tombstone and can be found in many images. no ghost busting.. that night anyway 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock well I never knew there was a cemetery there! And no surprises no ghosts..All Hallows Eve not till end of month 😉
Fantastic !