Hidey Hole

watch where you step

It takes a special kinda dedication to get up at silly-oclock after 3 hours of sleep and drive 45 minutes and then walk another 45 minutes (in the dark to) a awesome spot knowing full well there would be no clouds 🙂 (shoulda done startrails). But i was pleasantly surprised, if you look carefully there is one cloud down there on the horizon wink emoticon Thanks mother nature 😉

I guess one positive was the nice pastels you get when there are no clouds, however you gotta look fast 'cause they disappear very quickly.

This is a 3 shot image, the extra frames were used ot bring out some more exposure in the rock pool.

Exif love:
3 images blended together
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 35mm Aperture: f16 and Shutter Speed: 13s sky and 30s for the shadows and the soem extra highlights
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE Graduated filter 0.9x

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