I am still trying to work out whether I have been duped or given the best birthday present ever 🙂 All I do know tho is that my birthday will never be the same again 🙂
Bienvenida E.!! Qué seas muy feliz!! Es una preciosidad!!! Yo también la quiero!. Voy a "robarla":-))) Muchas felicidades a los padres y hermanos por esta maravillosa criatura!! Un regalo sin precio!!! Felicidades por el doble cumpleaños!!
+Gerard Blacklock Congratulations Gerard, and that explains why you haven't been posting so much of late.
Congratulations! 🙂
Awwwww !!!! How beautiful. And for sure she'll never forget your birthday 🎉😀
Congrats to you and the missus! And YOU are so wonderfully outnumbered haha.
Congratulations Gerald !!!! …and all the very best to you and your family !!…:-)
+Gerard Blacklock Congratulations to all the family – and no your life will never be the same 🙂
Congratulations and blessings!
Congratulations and all the best 🎈🍀 Enjoy this awesome time…
Congratulations Gerard Blacklock and Family ! Such a lovely news 🍷 to yours health and happiness ….
Hugs to the precious addition. xx
Big congratulations to you and Mrs B, and the girls +Gerard Blacklock !
Did you hear that enormous squeal? That was me welcoming your new child to the world. Your precious daughter will have the best Mum and Dad and the best big sisters any girl could possibly have. I hope your wife is getting a lot of help in these early days and I am sure Chaos and Tickles are there to lend a hand.
Thanks +Chris Sutton, yeah been a bit flat out in the last month or so, definitely missing getting out for some landscape shoots 🙁 hopefully some planned ones for August will come off 🙂
+Carolyn Fahm lol! thankyou for the kind words Carolyn. Mum is getting lots of help from both girls and myself, I am pleased to say she getting lots of sleep even with the 3 hourly feeds 🙂
Congratulations, sorry I've been apsent from g+ so I just saw, your photos are so amazing, touching, emotional and make me cry, happy and healthy life for all of you especially for little E. 😘👏😍😆😉💌🎁😇🎇🎉🎊🔮🍸🍭
Bienvenida E.!! Qué seas muy feliz!!
Es una preciosidad!!!
Yo también la quiero!. Voy a "robarla":-)))
Muchas felicidades a los padres y hermanos por esta maravillosa criatura!!
Un regalo sin precio!!!
Felicidades por el doble cumpleaños!!
+Gerard Blacklock Congratulations Gerard, and that explains why you haven't been posting so much of late.
Congratulations! 🙂
Awwwww !!!! How beautiful. And for sure she'll never forget your birthday 🎉😀
Congrats to you and the missus! And YOU are so wonderfully outnumbered haha.
Congratulations Gerald !!!! …and all the very best to you and your family !!…:-)
+Gerard Blacklock Congratulations to all the family – and no your life will never be the same 🙂
Congratulations and blessings!
Congratulations and all the best 🎈🍀 Enjoy this awesome time…
Congratulations Gerard Blacklock and Family ! Such a lovely news 🍷 to yours health and happiness ….
Hugs to the precious addition. xx
Big congratulations to you and Mrs B, and the girls +Gerard Blacklock !
Did you hear that enormous squeal? That was me welcoming your new child to the world. Your precious daughter will have the best Mum and Dad and the best big sisters any girl could possibly have. I hope your wife is getting a lot of help in these early days and I am sure Chaos and Tickles are there to lend a hand.
Thankyou +Blanca Garcia very kind words 🙂
Thanks +Chris Sutton, yeah been a bit flat out in the last month or so, definitely missing getting out for some landscape shoots 🙁 hopefully some planned ones for August will come off 🙂
Thanks mate +Constantin Simionica
Thanks +Liz C .. thats true… i should look at it like that 🙂 I am waaay outnumbered.. and outgunned 🙂
Thanks +Sean Michael Jones 🙂
Thanks +Shirley Caslick yeah.. in a good way 🙂
Thankyou +Merchi S.
Thankyou +Britta Rogge
Thankyou +Shelly Gunderson
+andy monet cheers to you also mate! have a great week!
Thanks Big K 🙂 +Kitten KaboodleInc
+Carolyn Fahm lol! thankyou for the kind words Carolyn. Mum is getting lots of help from both girls and myself, I am pleased to say she getting lots of sleep even with the 3 hourly feeds 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock You are welcome!
Congratulations, sorry I've been apsent from g+ so I just saw, your photos are so amazing, touching, emotional and make me cry, happy and healthy life for all of you especially for little E. 😘👏😍😆😉💌🎁😇🎇🎉🎊🔮🍸🍭