This dude was about half way through the 6,300 steps in the Charity fundraising event known as Stadium Stomp
The event is run in a number of capital cities, as part of the Sydney event the participants (thats the polite way of saying 'these crazy nuts who like to actually run up stairs') got to run around the Sydney Cricket Ground and also the smaller Allianz Stadium. I am sure the.. participants really enjoyed the fact they got to see the stadiums in very different views, but really i think the majority were concentrating on the pain involved with running up all those stairs.. ya know they invented lifts/elevators for a reason 😉
Anyhoos, the event did raise in excess of AUD65K in Sydney alone and around the AUD180K for the total thus far. They money I believe goes to a number of different charities, you can check out more at the webbie
Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 300mm f4 TC @ 300mm Aperture: f6.3and Shutter Speed: 1/1000s
ISO 160
Lol…very funny…elevators….lots of pain from here +Gerard Blacklock​….
+mary g Cadigan
i got tired just watching 😉
+Gerard Blacklock this is a very cool pic! I like the textures and the scale provided by the guy!
+Kitten KaboodleInc
cheers big K.