
All over Norway you see houses/cottages perched in the strangest places, for example driving along one side of a fjord you will often notice a building on the other side, my first thought, and kinda never got answered, was how the hell do they get there (to build it or even visit it), there is no road and often its way out in the middle of nowhere. I did see one place on the otherside of a river which had a cool zip-line( flying fox for you aussies 😉 ) with a big bucket across it.
So, here is one of these places, there was one road on this side of the fjord and I pretty sure there was not on the other, definitely no zipline across here either, this one was pretty neat since it was nicely position with the mountains, you can also see a little kummune way over the lake and of course, that rather large flow of ice down a hill, sometimes referred to as a glacier.


3 shot panorama, each shot was bracketed
D750 coupled with Nikkor 70-200 mm f2.8 @ 70mm Aperture: f8 and Shutter Speed: 1/1.6s (normal) 1/13s (underexposed for teh sky) 5s (over exposed for the shadows)
ISO: 100
out front: just another Norwegian fjord.

9 thoughts on “Isolated

  1. +Loretta Jayne may very well be onto something. In Scotland there are things known as bothy's that are shepherd huts out in places where there is no shelter. And in Siberia, I believe, there are also shelters from their savage winters in remote places, stocked with firewood, matches, candles, food, and even some water, or at least it was like that in the past. Someone might be very glad of a place to shelter when winter comes to the mountains, at which point the lake might have turned to ice and walkable. I don't know of course, but this magnificent images makes me dream of this magical place that you whose spirit you have captured with your usual brilliance.

  2. +Carolyn Fahm
    I think you may have nailed it there, once its all frozen, access would be quite easy. We did stay in a cabin, which was a holiday house and it was nicely stocked with candles and wood, it was actually a really pleasant place to stay, right on the foot of the mountains..

  3. Wonderful photos and captions +Gerard Blacklock. I can tell you more about these houses. They are basically old farms. As most of Norway's land is not suitable for farming and growing crops etc. they had to be very creative in their surch for new land along the fjords where the climate was suitable. As families grew, new generations needed their own land. People put up farms in the most extreme places. Some farm houses were lying so exposed that they needed to have their children in ropes. However goats don't mind steep terrain. More impressive is the fact that they also managed to get cows up to these places. A particular farm in Geiranger was located on a steep cliff overhanging the fjord, and one needed a ladder to climb up there (they also had a cow). Everytime the tax man came to collect, they pulled the ladder up, and the state was never able to collect and tax from that farm.

  4. Thanks +Jørn Eriksson – thats really amazing! we did a cruise tour at Geiranger and the guy mentioned a story about a family that had to their their kids to ropes to stop them going over the edge! I now believe it!
    I did notice how the Norwegians use every available bit of land which is not a cliff for growing crops or putting cattle on.. it makes sense too, I suppose the summer is a rush to get crops grown and fodder dried and stored for the winter months.
    Jorn, you live in a amazing country! what really impressed me though was all the tunnels! The Australian Government should just employ the Norwegians to build our tunnels!

  5. +Gerard Blacklock In fact the winter's are not very cold down around the fjords. The climate is mild, and the winter not that bad. Snow is not ususal. Of course it's a different story in the highland. That's why they had use every bit of land around the steep fjords. However in the summer months they did go to the highlands with their lifestock, living in Shielings.

    Tunnels are crusual in Norway. If you knew the language you would notice that the dialects people speak are very different. Language and culture evolved their own ways just within short range because people were not able to travel to nearby places without undertaking a long journey. Especially in winters some places were totally cut of from other communities. You had Flåm on your bucket list I recall. The world’s longest motorable road tunnel is in that area. It takes 30 minutes to drive through it. I don’t know if you did? But driving through that tunnel is an experience in it’s self.

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