somebody spews on ya face! actually for the one doing the spewing its all a bit funny.
Nice one tickles, got me right in the face. FYI, if you ever wanted to spew does have quite a bit of acidic material in it…my lips were burning afterwards..don't worry..i had my mouth closed..just.
All that said, you can't stay cranky at a smile like this.
ajajajaja lindo bebe! q sonrisota mas bella
Wonderful baby!
Beautiful baby!
Awwwwww adorable!!!
I'll skip the spew 😉
so cute!
Too cute
thanks +Roxana Alvarez , +mariana alexandru , +Ranjith Kalikkot , +E Cindy , +Tuan Nguyen and +Liz C (yeah i could do with out the spew also 🙂 )
Noice – who'd believe something this crazy cute could have come from you :)… I kid I kid… (maybe) 🙂
+Rodney Campbell
Lol, you ain't seen her when she has lost her nut, tired and hungry. … a little less cute then and more like me 🙂
very very nice !
all are lovely whichever from your baby
Very cute baby !!!
Beautiful baby