+Carolyn Fahm the trick is to find new ways to intrepret the classics 🙂 thats the hard bit 🙂 In this case, the conditions, the light and clouds just accentuated the BW option. Also alot of photography for me is about utilising the conditions at the time, even if they are not favourable. That said, I think my new motto will be "there is no such thing as un-favourable conditions, just a lack of creative interpretation" 🙂 Have a great weekend Carolyn.
Magistral, Gerard
Bonita fotografía, saludos ♥♥♥♥
Who knew that monochrome was a form of Vivid Sydney detox? You can't beat the classics and you certainly cannot beat this iconic landscape.
Cheers +Gracia Lozano
+Carolyn Fahm the trick is to find new ways to intrepret the classics 🙂 thats the hard bit 🙂 In this case, the conditions, the light and clouds just accentuated the BW option. Also alot of photography for me is about utilising the conditions at the time, even if they are not favourable. That said, I think my new motto will be "there is no such thing as un-favourable conditions, just a lack of creative interpretation" 🙂
Have a great weekend Carolyn.