Last man tree standing

View large, its a crime to only look at the thumbnail 🙂

Pretty much the first shots of the morning, as you clamber over dead wood dodging spider webs laid out over night this is the first isolated tree out in the bay. The tide was coming in, which I noticed very quickly since between the first shot and last shot of this pano the tripod was being inundated. The second issue was after the first shot the mozzies tracked me down and proceeded to make a meal of my legs..and it was certainly a serious meal ;(

It was only about 30 minutes before sunrise but the subtle hues of the blue night sky and the golden horizon were disappearing fast, this image was made from 3 landscape orientation images stitched together in PS CC.

techie stuff:
D7000 coupled with 17-55mm f2.8 @ Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 30s
out front – LEE bigstopper, LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser

I do appreciate all the feedback people leave and do very much appreciate those who go out of their way to critique and provide suggestions to my images.
I do try and at respond to everyone 🙂 Rest assured I am always checking out my commenters streams (when i probably should be doing something else 🙂 ) even when I don't directly respond 🙂

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