Lone Tree

Well, its Norway's version anyway.. you either get a forest of trees or none at all in that country 🙂 hence for my lonely tree starved soul I found this, way across the lake a lone tree dead amoungst the living. Don't read any weird sh$t about me through that statement, it just sounded good in my head 😉 The seaweed was what caught my attention, that stuff is so thick you could just about walk on it, although, imagine falling into that and trying to get out, i hate brushing up against seaweed when I am snorkelling or swimming (think of those cat videos and cucumbers 😉 )

#Valsøytunet try and pronounce that one!

12 thoughts on “Lone Tree

  1. Wow what a stunning scene…. although after reading the blurb I was smiling a bit and visions of you, cats, cucumbers and seaweed was a tad off putting. Lol. Have a great day!

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