Mosquito heaven

Mozzie Heaven - (c) Gerard Blacklock

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds 🙂 was about 4.5 minutes – 306 seconds
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Bigstopper and LEE GND (0.9x)

I love mangroves and particularly the lonely trees you often find, what I don’t like is the mosquito’s, I don’t think I have ever seen a swarm of mozzies like I did when was at this place.
Trying to prevent them from eating every inch of uncovered skin was hard enough, but to make matters worse lots of them just planted themselves on the front filter.
Whatever animals eat mozzies, birds? we need more of them.. lots more and they need to come out for sunrise

Exif love 😉
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds 🙂 was about 4.5 minutes – 306 seconds
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Bigstopper and LEE GND (0.9x)

23 thoughts on “Mosquito heaven

  1. Amazing tones and light!

    That's nature for you 🙂 But fortunately your love for capturing amazing vistas of nature is greater than that of the flesh 🙂

    If you're interested in experiencing the most mosquitos per cubic centimeters on earth – visit the arctic in July or so……. It's hell – truly!

  2. Soooooo soothing capture!!! Beautiful!!!!!!!
    (> v <)/ I want to be animal friendly almost always but I too can't love mosquitos!! No actually I hate them!! Really thank you so much for sharing this amazing capture that was taken by you in such a thrilling moment!! (The noise of them really scares me!!)
    (> v <)>"

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