
Side Washed - (c) Gerard Blacklock

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f11 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds πŸ™‚ 246.8 seconds to be exact
ISO 200
Out front – Lee Bigstopper, Hoya CPLand LEE GND (0.9x)

I have a whole bunch of titles for this one, but really the only appropriate one is side-washed, ’cause I did end up getting soaked from a incoming sneaky side wave πŸ™‚ conveniently enough, the exposure had just finished when the wave hit so this is the resultant shot, not my favorite from a long shot, but I will remember it πŸ™‚

It did also provide a good incentive to actually give my camera bag and other non electronic items a good run thru the washing machine, so i now have a bag that smells like daisy’s, rather than stinky dad smell, as coined by Chaos πŸ˜‰ ..I have to admit it did smell a bit like back sweat πŸ˜‰

Cheers to the Rodney, Tom and Kitten for the company, was good to meet up and we must do it again πŸ™‚

Exif love πŸ˜‰
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f11 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds πŸ™‚ 246.8 seconds to be exact
ISO 200
Out front – Lee Bigstopper, Hoya CPLand LEE GND (0.9x)

Mosquito heaven

Mozzie Heaven - (c) Gerard Blacklock

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds πŸ™‚ was about 4.5 minutes – 306 seconds
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Bigstopper and LEE GND (0.9x)

I love mangroves and particularly the lonely trees you often find, what I don’t like is the mosquito’s, I don’t think I have ever seen a swarm of mozzies like I did when was at this place.
Trying to prevent them from eating every inch of uncovered skin was hard enough, but to make matters worse lots of them just planted themselves on the front filter.
Whatever animals eat mozzies, birds? we need more of them.. lots more and they need to come out for sunrise

Exif love πŸ˜‰
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds πŸ™‚ was about 4.5 minutes – 306 seconds
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Bigstopper and LEE GND (0.9x)

End of the line chaps

End of the Line Chaps - (c) Gerard Blacklock

End of the Line Chaps – (c) Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f11 and Shutter Speed: 273.2s
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Bigstopper and LEE GND (0.9x)

careful where you put those toes..

I need to have a word to the engineer who cobbled this up, firstly, ya coulda made it just that little bit wider, surely rubble ain’t that expensive πŸ˜‰ – lucky i don’t suffer from vertigo (don’t fret, that’ll come
) cause i reckon i would been in the drink if I did.

Secondly, and this is probably pretty obvious, but when I do fall in its gonna be kinda hard to get out with those nicely smoothed sides.

Exif love πŸ˜‰
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f11 and Shutter Speed: 273.2s
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Bigstopper and LEE GND (0.9x)

Silent Sentinel

Silent Sentinel - (c) 2015 Gerard Blacklock

Silent Sentinel – (c) 2015 Gerard Blacklock
Exif/setup love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 210.3s
out front – Lee bigstopper

holding the fort against the fuzzies

After a failed attempt at sunrise this morning (due to rain and lack of sleepage), which involved a few mad text messages with RodΒ  at some ungodly hour…. I had a some time to burn and was nearby this marine navigational aid (which was the failed location of the sunrise session), so myself and Chaos made the decision to brave the drizzle and take a look, having never been there I thought a reccy would be worthwhile, so after a few minutes walking we came to this steel rung ladder leading down the small headland, hmmm probably not so appropriate for a 5 year old….. so I said to Chaos
‘are you brave enough to try and climb down there with me?”
to which she responded
‘not sure dad…its a long way down’
now, just some perspective, this is the girl that climbs on those crazy looking jungle gyms in the park and scares the the living daylights outta dad πŸ˜‰ ohh and those climbing gyms are probably a bit higher than this ladder…
‘ I’ll spot you as you go down?’ to which she said very indignantly , ‘no i don’t need you to spot me i can do it by myself!’
anyway i did insist on me spotting her as we went down, rung by rung in the wet πŸ™‚
After which we recc’ed the joint and took two long exposures, Chaos insisted on cleaning up all the rubbish on the shoreline at the small outcropping with exclamations of ‘oh my gosh, these naughty people who drop their rubbish… don’t they know a pelican could swallow that! ‘
gotta love kids…

Single frame, long exposure
Cremorne Navigational aid
Exif/setup love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 210.3s
out front – Lee bigstopper


No amount of processing will fix poor composition

I think this image is a good example of the statement, more so the composition side of things, whilst the processing is pretty minimal, the image lacks impact, direction which can be found in good compositions. The long exposure gives it some interest and the poles add a bit…. however without that it would be on the trash heap.

Single frame, long exposure
Exif/setup love:
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 24mm Aperture: f/14 and Shutter Speed: 272.1s
out front – Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x (3 stops) and Lee bigstopper

Midday Seascapes – Coalcliff

Coalcliff, NSW, Australia, part of the great region just south of Sydney. Coalcliff is called that for the literal meaning, the cliffs here oozing with coal, you can see the layers of coals in the cliffs and quite often when snorkelling/diving down here there is lots of it on the seabed.

Continuing my quest for some reasonable hour seascapes, i found this little gulley exposed by the low tide, the water trickling over the rock is actually coming from behind me on the other side of the headland/rockshelf, the waves were pumping and sending large amounts of water across the shelf to run off at this spot, by the time it got here is was nothing but a little trickle , thankfully πŸ™‚

This image was taken shortly after the one in this post and with the same settings, simply recomposed and focused.:

Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/11 and Shutter Speed: 132.9s
out front – LEE Bigstopper, LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.

Who needs Sunrise?

Dunno why i spend all this time getting up at the crack of dawn to capture sunrise..should just do it at noon, such a more respectable hour and you can actually see where your going ! πŸ˜‰

Just throw in a LEE bigstopper and a few clouds and voilà seascape sorted.

Damn it was windy on this rock shelf! the only reason I pointed in this direction since it was so damn windy and I needed to shield the camera from the wind with my body and keep the sea spray off the filters.

Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/11 and Shutter Speed: 132.9s
out front – LEE Bigstopper, LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.