Narrabeen – contemplation

After a very wet day there was little promise of a interesting sunset however I have wanted to check out this spot for sunset for sometime and since I was in the area I thought I would give it a go. I reckon its probably one of the most photographed seascape locations in sydney and its hard not to see why, a nice sea pool, a great gorge in the rocks (which is next on the cards for me) and Turimetta just next door 🙂

Conveniently positioned people adds a little interest and there has the slightest hint of colour before it return to a dark and gloomy finish to the day.

Panorama made up of 4 landscape shots stitched in CC.
D7000 coupled with 17-55mm f2.8 @ Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/4s
out front was the LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser

13 thoughts on “Narrabeen – contemplation

  1. Absolutely splendid work Gérard. I always like to read your description. I have the feeling to share the trip with you. Alsoa great thanks for sharing technical info on your shoot and processing, very interesting for a starter like me, from south of Belgium, where I can not find such wonderful landscape. I am surrounded only by forest. I am just starting on Google+. Most of my published picture are for the moment on Flickr Best regards. A bientôt, Didier.

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