Neist Lighthouse

This is one very cool lighthouse, with a darkside 🙂
From a distance, the lighthouse and buildings seem in good condition and well maintained, however closer inspection reveals that only the main lighthouse is being maintained, ie painted. Looking in the windows of the other buildings reveals quite a strange sight, guest rooms with beds still made, fake flowers in vases, a kitchen with food containers and cutlery still there – but, in in a state of derelict, paint peeling, some vandalism, plaster coming away, and in teh kitchen / dining room a eerie condensation on the windows…

So a little google search revels that when the lighthouse was automated the cottage and buildings were sold to a private buyer and turned into a B&B guest house. Something then must have gone strangely amiss 'cause it looks like they all just got up and left. Very odd.

Anyway, when I walked around there it was just me, a few startled cliff-hanging sheep and a few birds and those freakin eerie windows with condensation 🙁

This place gets 500 tourists a day in summer, surely you could get a B&B to work here, or at the very least a coffee joint – man you make a killing with a decent aussie barista and some good coffee (I gave up coffee when in scotland it was that bad 🙂 no offense scotland, ya whiskey is much better 🙂 )

From a distance, the lighthouse and buildings seem in good condition and well maintained, however closer inspection reveals that only the main lighthouse is being maintained, ie painted. Looking in the windows of the other buildings reveals quite a strange sight, guest rooms with beds still made, fake flowers in vases, a kitchen with food containers and cutlery still there – but, in in a state of derelict, paint peeling, some vandalism, plaster coming away, and in the kitchen / dining room a eerie condensation on the windows…

Onto the imagery 🙂 I did hang out for sunset, which was not very forthcoming, not in the place I wanted it anyway, however waiting around until stupid o'clock and the light house turns on and hence this was one of the last shots from the evening..

I spent alot time on this picture, 3 shots stitched into a pano, but am still not overly happy with it, anyone wanna shout me a PS course 🙂

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