Not quite shorts and a singlet

Not quite singlet and shorts - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

Not quite singlet and shorts – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with Nikkor 85 f1.4 @85mm Aperture: f/1.8 and Shutter Speed: 1/2500s
ISO 800
out front – dressed up tickles..

Grandmothers have alot to answer for, including pretty little dresses 🙂 I think Tickles was more comfortable in the shorts and singlet (and just shorts mostly) but I must admit she scrubbed up nicely with the dress.

Looking pretty plush mayhem !

Exif/setup data:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 85 f1.4 @85mm Aperture: f/1.8 and Shutter Speed: 1/2500s
ISO 800
out front – dressed up tickles..

28 thoughts on “Not quite shorts and a singlet

  1. Reminds me of my own naturally born tomboy daughter. Your photo just goes to show that, like my precious one, they can scrub up nice when they both have to and are forced to, lol.

    This kid is still compliant…a few more years and you'll see the protests in favour of the shorts and singlet, lol. And you'll probably also find out how sweet and caring they are behind that tomboy facade.

    My one has already represented this country successfully in karate…and in the near future will be a national representative for women's cricket too, I have no doubt. And probably good enough to challenge/embarrass most male cricketers too, if her mother's sporting ability is anything to go by. For the record, the only thing I added to my off-spring's ability is their stunning good looks…mainly because the ex recons she still has hers, lol.

    Cute is cool…stay tuned for who they really are, though, because cute can only stretch a few years, lol…and let them be so, I believe.

    Nobody knows where their personality lies better than the individual themselves…and too much advice otherwise probably has little effect other than to compromise their natural brilliance.

  2. Oh my goodness…….! She is all grown up :-)))
    Your daughters are just so lovely, but more importantly they look so happy dear Gerard. Congrats.

  3. Cheers +Kitten KaboodleInc , the flowers are the blue flowers from the jacaranda trees which are blooming/losing flowers at the moment – if i really had my wits about me I would have gotten her walking on a big patch of those behind me 🙂 That said it took me alot of shots to get one where she was in the right position and looking at me, she now ignores me if I have a camera in front of my face 🙁 usually heads in the other direction lol.

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