Alcove of the Faceless

Faceless - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

Faceless – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 103 s
out front – no filters..just some crazy sculpture.

watch your back
I walked past this sculpture at some silly hour of the night and nearly fell off the cliff when I saw it, it was tucked away in a little alcove near the path ready to freak out the average passerby.

After recovering from a near heart attack as a result of it, i thought this sculpture would look mad with a little extra in the lighting department, so 5 minutes later after dangling some EL wire and a little selective coloured lighting I found the already scary white sculpture took on a extra dimensions of freaky-ness..

With camera right up against the guard rail the D750 tilt screen came to the rescue – i do wish it could swivel though.. 🙂 anyway at least it meant i did not have to hang my ass over the cliff to compose the shot. .

EL wire on the ground, white LED torch selectively applied on the bushes in the background, Red coloured LED torch also selectively applied. The key to remember with the coloured torches is that different colours require differencet amount of exposure, for example the red light takes only a small amount to show up in the picture whereas green takes a bit more time to really get it to show up..I could probably bore you with the theory behind this..but really.. who gives a crap 😉

Techie love data
Single shot
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 103 s
out front – no filters..just some crazy sculpture.

20 thoughts on “Alcove of the Faceless

  1. Freaky indeed +Gerard Blacklock​ and yep I'm geeky enough to know what you are talking about with the difference in signal sensitivity for various bandwidths.
    You may know this already but green is the colour the human eye is most sensitive to. This is why in visual astronomy things tend to have a distinct green tinge to them when viewing the faint fuzzies. That and the UHC filter used for viewing Nebulae.

  2. +Matthew Fowler
    ahh yes, i am more familiar with the green aspect since it relates to Night Vision Imaging Systems which I have had a fair bit to do with – and most night vision googles are displayed in green for that reason.
    It also explains the whole thing with the astro filters too 🙂

  3. I once came across an astro product using night vision photon amp tech. Using a 90mm lens it was rather cool to look at the milky way in a completely different way 🙂

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