Panoramic view

Look I'll make it all manageable πŸ™‚

This little red fungi had so much lovely green stuff (technical term for some kinda green mossy stuff – clearly I am not a botanist πŸ™‚ ) That it just had to be taken with a wide view to show it off, hence the panoramic view πŸ™‚ 3 shots stitched together.

This fungi has had some local take a chomp outta it, clearly it was a bit slow on the red is poisonous thing I guess πŸ™‚

One thought on “Panoramic view

  1. Whether you are shooting the wide world or the smaller world beneath our feet, you always capture light interacting with the beauties of the natural world. And what a fascinating mushroom. I am completely unfamiliar with Australian fungi but if it were growing in Europe I would wonder if it might be the death cap mushroom.

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