Pink vs Blue vs the Lichen

living on the edge
View large in full res goodness.
This was as close as I dared to get to the edge – its bizarre, i fly in large, small and weird aircraft, and never have a issue, but put me 20 metres on up on a cliff and something makes me lean the other way with a vengeance 🙂

This was taken during the height of the pastel display in the sky, these tones are often found on those cloudless morning when you look in the opposite direction to where the sun rises.

Two frames stitched together, mainly to get just a fraction more height – this is a good example where not to use a CPL, since it resulted in some discontinuity in the colour in the sky.
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 15s
out front – LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser

21 thoughts on “Pink vs Blue vs the Lichen

  1. Yep – a case where the CPL has probably done more harm than good mate. I've processed mine too (I shot without the CPL but with that 0.9 reverse grad I was telling you I'm liking more and more) and I reckon it's probably my shot of the morning

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