living on the edge
View large in full res goodness.
This was as close as I dared to get to the edge – its bizarre, i fly in large, small and weird aircraft, and never have a issue, but put me 20 metres on up on a cliff and something makes me lean the other way with a vengeance 🙂
This was taken during the height of the pastel display in the sky, these tones are often found on those cloudless morning when you look in the opposite direction to where the sun rises.
Two frames stitched together, mainly to get just a fraction more height – this is a good example where not to use a CPL, since it resulted in some discontinuity in the colour in the sky.
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 15s
out front – LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser
Nice comp. The flow of elements give the image a great feel of depth.
Very nice. Great colors and sharpness. You must have endless subject matter down under, Gerard!
I love this pink/blue shoreline view!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!!
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( Jean Michel Missri)
Wonderful capture
Excellent work ! 🙂
I re-share your great work with the +ShowYourBestWork Theme (BrittaRogge) . Thank you very much for sharing this beauty +Gerard Blacklock
Dear +Gerard Blacklock Congratulations! Your photo has been selected for display on as Photo Of The Day for June 25
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Thank you, Enjoy your day!
Chandro Ji
Stunning shot !
+Gerard Blacklock Your wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on
+BTP Landscape Pro
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+BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page) or view daily large size shares on .
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Thank you , Enjoy your day !
(Nancy Dempsey)
Love the composition +Gerard Blacklock! Great shooting!
Woah mate this is killer! Thanks for sharing
This capture has fantastic and unrealistic mood. Amazing!
Yep – a case where the CPL has probably done more harm than good mate. I've processed mine too (I shot without the CPL but with that 0.9 reverse grad I was telling you I'm liking more and more) and I reckon it's probably my shot of the morning
I really like this +Gerard Blacklock – tack sharp and pretty with pink. I've found similar issues with a CPL and the Tokina wide open at 11mm. I've also found the Tokina highly sensitive to lens flare.
This wonderful image has been chosen to be shared on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward +David Tomek +Ed Cobb +John Hunt and +Gerard Blacklock (Photo Mania Australia is a part of +Photo Mania Global) Tony Heyward
That is beautiful +Gerard Blacklock
صوره جميلة
Very pretty colours +Gerard Blacklock 🙂
Si on regarde bien en bas, on peut remarquer que la roche forme une tête )
Lovely work +Gerard Blacklock