Punching above your weight

albino spider

I don't really like this little guys chance of survival, firstly for being a freakishly white/translucent colour and secondly for having no fear of something that is much, much, much bigger than itself 🙂 . I do suspect it was trying to protect its egg (i think) which you can see on the leaf off to the side (not water droplet dummies 😉 )

However, with much leg waving, sometimes two legs at a time this little guy backed off under one of the leaves , probably finally noticing that I was not gonna be deterred 🙂 he was however giving me serious stick for pointing a camera in its direction 🙂

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 55mm f2.8 @ 55mm Aperture: f16 and Shutter Speed: 1/60s
ISO 800
Lightning goodness : SB600 with diffuser

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