Rolling Hills of Kurnell

view large and smell that clean air 😉
Taken adjacent to a little old lighthouse perched on a hill near the cliffs of Kurnell , you can probably just see it in this shot:

I love the stark contrast of the scene, from the natural rolling hills to the oil refinery to the container terminal to finally the CBD of sydney, I do wish I had a lens with a longer focal length, but Rods 27-70 had to suffice.

3 shot panorama
Thanks to +Rodney Campbell for the loan of the 24-70 for this shot.
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with a Nikkor 27-70 f2.8 @70mm Aperture: f/6.7 ISO 100 and Shutter Speed: 1/250s
out front – bushes..oil refinery botany bay some container terminals, mascot, randwick and somewhere behind that the city 😉

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