natures studio, view this marvel of modern aero engineering full res, even count the access panels if you like 🙂
Some days the conditions are just right to get the perfect light on the heavies coming out of YSSY, a smattering of cloud cover after its rain gives a crisp clear frame with a natural softbox feel to it.
The poor old 777's have copped a pretty bad media rap in the last several months with the recent issues with the Malaysian airline ones and before that the Asiana one that kinda missed the runway .. nonetheless I reckon they are a great beast, just plagued a bad luck at the moment. Although one could argue that they have had some fairly consistent issues with the thrust reverser.. even the sultans 772 dumped half its thrust reverse out the back 😉 but then again what large aircraft manufactured in the US (or EASA i suppose) has not had issues with thrust revers 😉
Techie love:
D7000 with Nikkor 300mm f4 @ 300mm – Aperture: f/5.6 and Shutter Speed: 1/1000 seconds
ISO 100
out front – fresh sydney air
As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.
Now that's some heavy lens 😀
+Gerard Blacklock That's impressive Gerard, was that at the airport?
Love that shot!
Hi Gerard, I will sing this for you..I;m leaving on a jet plane….Thanks to the HIgh- Technology and the Avionics Specialist for making such useful air transportation.
Outstanding shot mate.
Incredible image. When I look at this graceful vehicle stationary in the sky the miracle of aviation becomes all the more apparent.
+Zvonimir Fras
the 300 f4 is a real gem of a lens, not too heavy and for the price range, really sharp and contrasty.
+Chris Sutton
nah, my backyard 😉
cheers +William Hall
+Walter Gawronski thanks mate
+Carolyn Fahm
🙂 put big enough engines on anything and it will fly 🙂 but these things are amazing, the composite material technology is incredible..
+carmen rosales
lol 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock We're under the Rozelle flight paths, only get incoming in a southerly and not many on take off. I quite like it.
+Chris Sutton yeah I don't mind aircraft noise – especially since I work with them 🙂
there used to be a old DHL cargo carrier DC-11 or MD-11 which left every night at 9:30 or something and jeez was that loud
+Gerard Blacklock I still see the FedEx MD-11s regularly, I like them, they're good looking planes.
noisy buggers 🙂 and smokey too
Very true 🙂