+Gerard Blacklock thanks, haven't spent much time down that way, but it looks like a lovely part of the coast. I really like the photo.
+Gerard Blacklockcongratulations! Your photo has been selected for display on http://www.besttopphotographer.com as Photo Of The Day for Aug 11 It may take several days before your photo shows up on the site. Don't miss the daily updates. Thank you, enjoy your day! Edward Kowalski
+Chris Sutton be sure to check it out when you can, lots of really nice spots close together there.
+Gerard Blacklock Hi Gerard, appreciate that, now that I've graduated one step up from the iphone, it's time to get out and about a little more 🙂
+Chris Sutton I see you have the sony RX100 II, that's a great little camera, lots of latitude to learn, definitely one of the best cameras in that size 🙂 I got one for the wifey and I have been banned form using it ever since 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock Wife researched and bought it for my recent birthday, a complete surprise! Thrown into the deep end with RAW files and now trying to figure out Lightroom. Haven't had this much fun for ages 🙂 (and my wife is getting the bug now)
here's lr tip +Chris Sutton , Turn off any other editing/filing programs and MAKE yourself work with LR only. And get a great book like Scott Kelby's. It's can be a pain to work out and understand but once you have a handle on lr it will do most of your editing soooo much faster than PS.
+Ian Browne Thanks Ian, I'll check that book out. Given my photoshop activity is restricted to contrast and brightness changes, and I don't use any other editors or filters, I'm kinda starting from scratch 🙂
That's cool Gerard, whereabouts is this?
This wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
You may want to add and follow +Gerard Blacklock 's work
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( Luc Thibau )
Wonderful place and great work!
Great pattern and very nice B&W conversion. Well done +Gerard Blacklock 😉
Marvelous result!
Amazing shot
+Gerard Blacklock Your wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on
+BTP Landscape Pro
You may want to follow our sister pages +BTP Daily Highlight and
+BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page) or view daily large size shares on http://www.besttopphotographer.com .
You can also follow us on Twitter @BTPGroup
Thank you , Enjoy your day !
(Nancy Dempsey)
Superb, I like the details in the foreground rocks and the leading line to the waves!
Nicely done. Like the texture of the rocks.
Nice and really like the monochrome use here +Gerard Blacklock
+Gerard Blacklock wonderful dramatic image with great leading lines and B&W tones. Well done.
Great pic!! Nicely done Gerard!!
muy hermoso:)
Good b&w with foreground interest in rocks
Great shot
thanks +Chris Sutton
just down south near Stanwell tops, off the seacliff bridge
Thankyou for taking the time to look and comment.
+BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page) and +Luc Thibau
+Constantin Simionica
+Claudio Beffa
+Dominique Hilbert
+Marc Briggs
+Ronald Varley
+Steve J. Giardini
+Linda J
+farah godoy
+Brian Lihou
and +Kevin Fox
+Gerard Blacklock thanks, haven't spent much time down that way, but it looks like a lovely part of the coast. I really like the photo.
+Gerard Blacklock congratulations! Your photo has been selected for display on http://www.besttopphotographer.com as Photo Of The Day for Aug 11
It may take several days before your photo shows up on the site. Don't miss the daily updates.
Thank you, enjoy your day!
Edward Kowalski
+Chris Sutton
be sure to check it out when you can, lots of really nice spots close together there.
nicely done Gerry
thanks +Ian Browne
+Gerard Blacklock Hi Gerard, appreciate that, now that I've graduated one step up from the iphone, it's time to get out and about a little more 🙂
+Chris Sutton I see you have the sony RX100 II, that's a great little camera, lots of latitude to learn, definitely one of the best cameras in that size 🙂 I got one for the wifey and I have been banned form using it ever since 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock Wife researched and bought it for my recent birthday, a complete surprise! Thrown into the deep end with RAW files and now trying to figure out Lightroom. Haven't had this much fun for ages 🙂 (and my wife is getting the bug now)
here's lr tip +Chris Sutton , Turn off any other editing/filing programs and MAKE yourself work with LR only. And get a great book like Scott Kelby's. It's can be a pain to work out and understand but once you have a handle on lr it will do most of your editing soooo much faster than PS.
+Ian Browne Thanks Ian, I'll check that book out. Given my photoshop activity is restricted to contrast and brightness changes, and I don't use any other editors or filters, I'm kinda starting from scratch 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock You are welcome. 🙂
Love it.. Great shot mate 🙂
Thanks +David Roma
This wonderful image has been chosen to be shared on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward +Ed Cobb +John Hunt and +Gerard Blacklock (Photo Mania Australia is a part of +Photo Mania Global) _John Hunt
Thanks +Photo Mania Australia
and +Charles W. Stutts