Located some very nice rock shelfs just off Thirroul Beach, amazingly easy to access and and have lots of diverse compositions, this morning however, the composition was chosen as the one in which the wind was on my back and the minimum amount of spray coming across the filter 🙂 Clouds doing interesting things, the ones out to sea were traveling north and the ones close to land traveling east.
I'll be back 🙂
151 seconds at f/11 horizon on the midline 🙂

Love the composition,Gerard! 🙂
The scene on the sky is definitely impressing!
Love the simplicity of it, composition and monochrome effect, well done +Gerard Blacklock!
This is definitely one of those pics I would order a quality print, to frame and display. Amazing mixed emotions! +Gerard Blacklock – you're on (B&W) fire! 🙂
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(Nancy Dempsey)
More Star Trek Voyager shape I reckon – or one of those Star Wars motherships.
Very interesting criss cross cloud movement in the sky Gerry – cool
Great !!!