
one stands firm and holds the rest at bay

Some days the conditions are just perfect, sure there is often no brilliant sunrise with reds and pinks, but when the stormy weather and threats of rain coming it can make for some really cool light and conditions.

I had spotted this big rock up the beach whilst capturing another smaller pair of rocks getting smashed by the waves. This beach and others nearby are fairly unique in that the sand and rock content is made up of a high percentage of coal (probably why the place is called Coalcliff), hence the sand is often quite dark.
This little spot was also quite pebbly, reminding me of Chinamans beach up on the north coast, the familiar sound of small rocks clattering together as the waves surged and retreated was also pretty cool.

After taking the first shot as the wave pushed past me and sunk my tripod another 2 inches into the pebbly beach I knew straight away this was a sweet rock and the conditions perfect for it. Even straight off the camera back (LCD) the rock lit up like a beacon as the white streaks of the waves raced around the base taking with it sand and pebbles. Its not often that I go wow at a picture off the back of the camera, but this was one of them.

Exif love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 2s
ISO 100
out front – Hoya CPL, Lee Graduated 0.6 Filter all covered with lots of spotty rain drops 🙁

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