Just a little suburban set of falls which comes alight after alittle bit rain, well alot actually – its now (presumably yonks ago was not) fed only by road run off so even 24 hours after the monster dump of rain sydney had on the friday this was all that was flowing.

Nice name! I wonder why it's called that.
very beautiful nature..
+Anjali Satish Tuhil Dukul The point where the creek comes out is called Sugarloaf, i have no idea why 🙂
Gorgeous shot dear Gerard 😍
Changing waterways sure does affect things. Still tropical looking and very beautiful. Have a great weekend 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock No problem. Still a nice name.
Great Photo
Congratulations!! +Gerard Blacklock
This wonderful photo was included in the new collection created by BTP Daily highlights the best photo
The best photos published on Google+ since 2011
Marina Versaci
If this is a suburban waterfall, then you live in a very remarkable suburb indeed. Glad you had the rain, even if it was too much too soon. What a gorgeous shot. So lush, so tropical looking.
lovely indeed….
Thankyou for looking and commenting, much appreciated +cuongthanh tran
+sophie DIDIER
+Shirley Caslick (i hope you have a good one!)
+Eugenia Khomenko
+james grannes
+Carolyn Fahm alot of the suburbs around the harbour have lovely bushland still there – i do not live there, i cannot afford the millions of dollars needed to buy a house! This is the particular spot where this shot was taken.
Thankyou +Marina Versaci and +BTP Daily Highlights the Best Photo
+Gerard Blacklock You're always welcome dear Gerard!
you are welcome my dear friend you too have a great time..